Sunday, March 10, 2013

First Boneh update

On February 10th the Shnatties arrived to Kibbutz Revivim where they were met by their Boneh rakazim (the educators that will be with them on Boneh until June). Boneh Orientation consisted of peulot (activities) which helped to introduce the shnatties to the Boneh schedule, and to the major questions that they will be
faced with on Boneh. The seminar included discussions on Jewish identity, the importance of Jewish history, and the historical aspect of avodah (work) on the kibbutz. One of the main goals of the seminar was show the Shnatties that they need to shape their own Boneh culture. They continued to have peulot on the importance of learning Hebrew on Shnat which focused on understanding Hebrew as a necessary universal language for the Jewish people. During orientation, the Shnatties were also introduced to different ways they can begin to take ownership over their time on Boneh and prepare them for different aspects of the Shnat
program. The Shnatties continued their orientation week with an early morning bike ride around the kibbutz. On the tour they were taken to all of the important places on the kibbutz that they’ll need to know for the next 4 months. Such places included the chadar ochel (dining hall), the machbesa (laundry) and the kolbo (the grocery store). The tour also included many historical sites which gave the Shnatties an understanding of the roots of Kibbutz Revivim. After this busy seminar week the Shnatties had their first free weekend to visit family and friends.

Before we talk about what the shnatties are doing each week, here is an explanation of the different components of the Boneh program:

  • On Sunday and Monday mornings the Shnatties split up and do different kinds of avodah (work) on the kibbutz, some examples of this are working in the chadar ochel (dining hall), and gardening around the kibbutz. On those afternoons the Shnatties have Jewish history shiurim (classes). Each week there is a different module/topic fromJewish history that the Shnatties will focus on. 
  • On Tuesdays the Shnatties are with their madrichim and they have interesting and creative activities that focus on their kvutza and their relationships with each other. 
  • Each Wednesday morning the Shnatties have two classes: hadracha (leadership) and Israeli society. The hadracha course focuses on exploring the importance of leadership within the movement and will provide the Shnatties with tools to become stronger madrichim. The Israeli society course each week focuses on a different sector of Israeli society and explores its history and its relevance today in Israel. 
  • Finally on Thursdays the Shnatties will either have a siyur (day trip) somewhere around the country that relates to that week's module, or, will have a special day on the kibbutz with an educational theme that is relevant to them (special days are usually centered around upcoming Jewish holidays).

The first regular week of boneh began with the module “My Jewish Community” which focused on understanding the history of the Jewish community in Australia and the impact that different types of Jews (South Africans, Russians, Israelis) have on the community. The module included discussions on the place of religion within in the community and the role Israel plays within the Jewish community. During this week, the Shnatties started their Avodot (jobs), they worked in a variety of different places around the kibbutz such as the chadar ochel (dining hall), the factory, gardening around the kibbutz and in the kitchen. The Shnatties
also had their first hadracha and Israeli society classes. The hadracha class looked at what it means to be a leader and what society understands leadership to be. The class also questioned what leadership does and should look like in Habonim Dror. The first Israeli society class focused on the Religious/Secular divide within Israel and the place of the Haredim in Israeli society. The first week ended with Purim celebrations where the Shnatties made mishloach manot for each other and enjoyed the end of the first week on Boneh.

The second week began with regular early morning avodah, and the Shnatties started their second Jewish history module, “Exile.” During the Exile module the Shnatties looked at the changes that came about within Judaism between the creation of the First Temple and the destruction of the Second Temple. They
explored the challenges of being a community in exile and discovered what the Jews had to do to remain Jewish without a geographical center. Also this week in the hadracha course the Shnatties looked at the importance of leading by example as madrachim and as participants of Shnat. This week in the Israeli society
course, the Shnatties looked at the origins of Mizrahi Jews and continued to explore the implications of the expulsion of many Jews from Arab countries. Then, that Thursday, the Shnatties went to the Diaspora Museum in Tel Aviv and continued to discuss the different realities of Jewish communities that formed
around the Middle East and Europe post-exile. The Shnatties also went to a shuk (market) in Tel Aviv for lunch.

This past week the Shnatties went on a wonderful and challenging tiyul (hike) in the south. On the first day of the tiyul the Shnatties hiked through a shallow river that ended at a beautiful waterfall, where they had the chance to swim. The Shnatties then arrived at their campsite and had to set up their tents before they
ate a delicious dinner. That night they continued to relax, sat by a bonfire and enjoyed the desert night. The second day the Shnatties hiked through the open desert, learned a lot about the landscape, Bedouins in the area and the unspoken laws of the desert. In the evening the Shnatties camped at the base of Masada and prepared for their 4am wake up and hike up to the top of Masada. Once they reached the top they learnt the story of Masada and watched a beautiful sunrise. After Masada the Shnatties went to Ein Gedi and the Dead Sea, where some of them went in the Dead Sea for the first time! While at the Dead Sea, the Shnatties ate, and learned about the politics surrounding the privatization of natural resources in the area. The Shnatties then returned to Kibbutz Revivim, exhausted and very proud of themselves for completing their first Shnat Tiyul. On Wednesday in the hadracha course, the Shnatties discussed the role and influence that madrichim play in the lives of their chanichim. In Israeli Society they explored the current political parties in Israeli, what they stand for, and which parties are forming coalitions to make up the new government. Finally, on Thursday the Shnatties spent the day discussing Informal Education structures inside and outside of the movement. They reflected on their experiences in school and in Habonim Dror and discussed what educational environment they want to create for themselves on Shnat.

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