Friday, May 31, 2013

May Day Seminar

 Each year there are two weekend-long seminars for all of the English-speaking Habonim Dror world; May Day Seminar and Rabin Seminar. On the 19th and 20th April, HDOZ along with South Africa, New Zealand, North America and the United Kingdom, all met at Kibbutz Ravid, in the north of Israel, for this joint seminar. The purpose of this seminar is two-fold; to introduce the content of May Day and understand the historical background of the holiday, and to have an opportunity to learn with members of Habonim Dror from all over the world.

The content of the seminar began with the history of May Day and questioned if the struggle for workers' rights is over. The concept of exploitation was explored, and examples of co-ops and other alternative work structures were considered as examples of solidarity among people. We had two guest speakers for the seminar; one who came to talk with us about solidarity as a Jewish concept, and the other who came and explained the background and ongoing influence of the Israeli social protests in the summer of 2011.

The seminar was a great success, with interesting peulot (programs), as well as time to get to know other members of Habonim Dror. Having time with members from the northern hemisphere who were nearing the end of their Shnat year, helped those from the southern hemisphere become even more excited for all of the many elements of Shnat yet to come for them! The seminar took place in mixed groups – with chanichim from all parts of the world in each group, which allowed for differing points of view and very interesting and meaningful conversations. The seminar also served as a preparation for the chanichim to participate in the May Day rally, which has it's own blog entry, so look out for that!

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