Thursday, June 27, 2013

Boneh Sikkum

After a long, but fascinating, challenging and unique 20 weeks on Kibbutz Revivim, Boneh came to a close. The final week of Boneh was a seminar in which the chanichim focused on learning about Youth Movements. From learning about the relatively new concept of youth and moratorium, to the history and development of Zionist youth movements, to the formation of Habonim, this was the educational focus of the final week. In addition to this final module, this week was an opportunity to reflect on Boneh as a whole. It was an opportunity for Eden to reflect on how much they have grown, both individually and collectively, throughout Boneh. Going through the educational content, all of the siyurim (day trips), guest speakers and seminars helped Eden put how much they have learned and experienced into perspective. Along with this, was the opportunity to reflect on participation in all of the elements of Boneh; Avodah (work), Ivrit classes (Hebrew) and cleaning. The seminar concluded with a Tekkes (ceremony) that Eden were responsible for creating and facilitating, which many parents for able to attend. Thank you so much for coming if you were able to be there.

Overall, this has been one of the most successful and fun Boneh experiences. Chanichim and madrichim alike have learned a great deal and had many new and meaningful experiences. Eden have been a pleasure to work with, and Kibbutz Revivim will miss them very much.

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in this Boneh, especially the Tzevet of madrichim and educators and all of the chanichim who have been wonderful to work with.

The traditional Kvutzah painting that Kibbutz Revivm ask each year's group to make

Kvutzah Livluv (blossom)

Ofra - our wonderful liaison and support on Kibbutz Revivim

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